Asking for help rather than continuing…

1.Help from other people can help you make progress better and faster

A simple and obvious benefit of asking for help is that other people can help you move forward. If you think about in what area you could use some help and ask someone who has the right knowledge, skills, resources, or connections

2.Asking for help is a useful and normal thing to do
you take the step of asking someone for help you implicitly say to yourself that you are not infallible and that asking for help is allowed, useful, and normal.  Asking for help is an important part of a growth mindset.

3.Asking for help can build relationships with others

It gives you an opportunity to receive attention and help from another person and it thereby satisfies your need for relatedness.

4.Continuing with a task that is going wrong, will just make it worse
When is starts to go wrong, things will just continue unless a solution is found. 

Last modified: Thursday, 6 August 2020, 3:51 PM